This week we kicked off our 2022 harvest with the Shepherd’s Point Chardonnay pick! It’s always an exciting time of year when the grapes hit brix and we can get under the nets to bring the fruit in.
We asked Mudbrick Viticulturist Nick Otto how he’s feeling about this years harvest…
“At this stage the prospects for the 2022 harvest are very, very good. The growing season has been ideal so far with a wet warm spring pushing strong canopy growth and settled flowering period. The extended dry weather and high temperatures since early December has halted canopy growth at the perfect time just prior to Veraison, allowing the vines to focus on ripening. Veraison was very quick and early as a result. Yields are slightly down in most of our vineyards compared to last year due to small berries and lower bunch weights. It should be another early harvest wrapped up by mid April… But as always things can change very quickly! Overall the season has gone smoothly so far apart from a few challenges in the wet part of the spring of stuck tractors and extra mowing and vine trimming passes. Hopefully the hot dry weather keeps up now!”